
Namespace: Saon

Parser functions.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
bind f x json
Signature: f:('T -> Parser<'R,'E>) -> x:Parser<'T,'E> -> json:'E -> ParserResult<'R> * 'E
Type parameters: 'T, 'R, 'E

Bind implementation for the parser.

init value el
Signature: value:'T -> el:'E -> ParserResult<'T> * 'E
Type parameters: 'T, 'E

Create a parser with initial value.

pipe a b propName aValue
Signature: a:(string -> 'T -> ParserResult<'R>) -> b:(string -> 'R -> ParserResult<'S>) -> propName:string -> aValue:'T -> ParserResult<'S>
Type parameters: 'T, 'R, 'S

Return a new parser that pipes the result of the first into the second only if the first was successful.